

Extended learning opportunities

Specialist Lessons: Foundation to Year 6

Physical Education

Physical Education (PE) lessons are taught by specialist PE teachers across Campus. Students wear their PE uniform on the day that their class has Sport lessons and one additional day each week as advised by their class teacher.

Performing Arts

Students participate in a Performing Arts lesson each week taught by a specialist music teacher on Campus.

Languages – Indonesian

Indonesian is taught from Foundation to Year 6 with classes having one lesson each week. This subject covers both language acquisition and cultural awareness. Year 5 students have the opportunity to practise their Indonesian skills through writing letters to another Adelaide school learning Indonesian and our Year 6 class corresponds with students in the Bali Life program in Indonesia.


Digital Technologies and Design and Technologies is taught once a week. In Design and Technologies, students use design thinking to generate and produce solutions to problems. In Digital Technologies, students use computational thinking, and coding to produce solutions to problems. They use a variety of tools such as Edison robots and Virtual Reality headsets in lessons.


In their weekly Science lesson, students conduct experiments, examine and organise data, evaluating results and drawing evidence-based conclusions. Biological, Earth and Space, Physical, and Chemical Sciences are covered.


Each year, we enjoy Campus Sport Day where all students can participate in athletics and fun activities. There are 4 sports houses on Campus named after different areas of South Australia: Eyre, Flinders, Murray and Yorke.

There are many opportunities to participate in sport on Campus, commencing with different sporting clinics for students in the early years. These occur on Campus, generally at the end of the school day with a nominal cost for the program.

From Year 2 or 3, students have opportunities to join Campus teams for competitive sport events. Sport is often held Saturday mornings at Campus or nearby schools. Recently this has included soccer, netball, football, basketball and cricket.

There are further opportunities to compete in athletics and sporting competitions through SA Christian Schools Association and SAPSASA events.

Performing Arts

Students participate in a Performing Arts lesson each week taught by a specialist music teacher on Campus.

Each year Pilgrim presents a school musical with senior students auditioning for the main roles. Other children are also involved in performing. Musicals are usually held at the end of Term 2 each year.

Our Early Years classes have opportunity to perform at Christmas Celebrations at the end of each year.

Performing Arts Centre

The Campus Performing Arts Centre provides an excellent facility for the development and performance of Performing Arts on Campus.

The Centre is equipped with Sound and Light technologies which are taught to volunteers from our senior classes and there are classroom teaching areas and instrumental teaching areas.

Pilgrim holds both worship and assemblies at the PAC on Tuesday mornings. Family members and friends are welcome to come and join our community for these events.

Instrumental Musical Lessons

Families can choose to enrol children in private instrumental tuition on Campus from Year 2 with a range of instruments on site.

Please see the 2024 Instrumental Music Program for more information.

Learning at Pilgrim
