
How to enrol

Thank you for considering Pilgrim School for your child’s education

Your journey at Pilgrim School starts with a tour of the school. School Tours are regularly offered during school terms, If our tour dates or times do not suit you, another mutually convenient time can be arranged by contacting our Registrar.

Your journey at Pilgrim School starts with a tour of the school. Our personalised and group tours are regularly offered during school terms. If our tour dates or times do not suit you, another mutually convenient time can be arranged by contacting our Registrar.

2. Submit Enrolment Application

If you are interested in submitting an Enrolment Application, please fill in our Enrolment Application Form here.

This application form allows families to enrol online and pay via credit card. A non-refundable fee of $70.00 will be charged for the first enrolment in a family only.

3. Interview

Once your application is received, an interview will be arranged with the Principal. The interview is with parent(s) and child and lasts approximately half an hour. Interviews are held approximately 18 months before your child starts Foundation, or soon after enrolling for other year levels. 

4. Offer

If the interview is successful, an offer of placement may be made.

On responding to the offer of placement, a $300 deposit per child is required to secure placement.

In addition, for the first student in a family enrolled at Pilgrim School a further $250 deposit is payable, which will be offset against their tuition fees when they commence school. This is non-refundable if the enrolment is withdrawn.

Frequently asked questions

You can find our Enrolment Application Form here

This application form allows families to enrol online and pay via credit card. A non-refundable fee of $70.00 will be charged for the first enrolment in a family only. There is no charge for sibling applications.

For details on our annual tuition fees and levies, please take a look at our full Fee Schedule.

Pilgrim School does not currently have any transport options. 

The Campus Out of School Hours Care’ (OSHC) facility is operated by a separate incorporated body from the Geoff Simpson Hall. They are engaed by the Departent for Education to provide a service to all Campus schools. Hours of operation are from 6.30 am before school and after school until 6.30 pm. They also offer a Vacation Care program and full care on student-free days when advertised through the school.

You can view more information here

Pilgrim School is proud of its uniform and students are expected to wear the school uniform as stated in the Uniform Policy.

Where one family has multiple children enrolled at Pilgrim School, there are discounts available on tuition fees. Details on discounts can be found on our Fees page

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Our appoach to learning

Pilgrim School is a Foundation to Year 6 school, providing the highest quality Christian education, with a wonderful community feel reflecting a high level of Christian care for children and their families.

Belong, Explore, Flourish, Serve