Useful Information

Parent Resources

For our families

Pilgrim School is a community of students, staff, parents, care givers and extended family. Student learning is maximised when each of these groups work together and Pilgrim School encourages partnership between school and home.

Below you will find a range of information to assist you across many areas of our school life.

We offer a playgroup for all parents with children from birth to school age. This is a wonderful opportunity, provided by one of our Early Years teachers, for your child to explore and play, with a different theme each week.

Please view the Blossom & Belong Playgroup page for more information.

The Campus Canteen operates daily. Orders can be made by placing money in a paper bag into the Canteen box in your child’s classroom at the beginning of the day or via the Qkr! App before 9am.

If ordering manually, the bag must clearly state:

  • student’s name
  • classroom number (e.g. P3/4H)
  • items ordered and their prices
  • amount of money enclosed

If ordering electronically via Qkr!, please ensure you have registered each child in their correct class to aid delivery. Orders can be placed for multiple children and paid at the same time via Visa or Mastercard. Please see information about using Qkr! to order here – Qkr! Canteen Instructions

Canteen monitors collect lunches before eating time.

Students can buy some snacks and ice blocks etc at both recess and lunchtime over the counter at the canteen.

Each term there is a Special Day when different foods are offered at the Canteen.

Please note the Canteen is closed to over-the-counter purchases on days when there is no outdoor play due to rain. On extreme heat days, only ice blocks, ice creams and slushies can be ordered over-the-counter.

The Campus Canteen is always looking for volunteers to assist with orders and sales. A ‘Working with Children’ Check is required. Please contact Pilgrim’s Front Office if you are interested in volunteering at the Canteen or complete the Canteen Volunteers Form and return to the Front Office.

Please view our Term and other key dates here.

Here are some generic school forms that you may be looking for throughout the year. You can click on the following links to download the form you require or please contact our Front Office or by clicking on the following.

Student Application for Exemption Form (for requests for a student to be on leave for a week or longer due to family events or holidays etc)

Student Asthma Record

Medication Plan Prescription Medication

Medication Plan Over the Counter Medication

Second Hand Uniform Payment Details

Reader Cover Pattern (for those wanting to make their own fabric Reader Cover)

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) is a separate incorporated body that operates on Campus from the Geoff Simpson Hall as a service engaged by the Department for Education.

Please visit our OSHC page to learn more.

Pilgrim School’s Parent and Friends Association (P&F) consists of any parents or friends of the school who wish to participate in the life of the school. In addition to social and pastoral activities, this group raises a considerable amount of money for the school. More information is available here.

The Parent Portal is accessible here.

Pilgrim School uses some different phone apps to improve communication with parents. The ‘Sentral for Parents’ app allows families to notify the school of student absences, direct communication between families and teachers, and notifications of First Aid Room attendance etc from our Front Office.

The Qkr! app allows various payments to the school or Campus.

Seesaw is used by our Junior Primary classes as one of our ways to communicate about student learning in classes.

Sentral for Parents App

Pilgrim School uses the ‘Sentral for Parents’ app which is linked to the Sentral Parent Portal and is used for communicating with our school families. Simply search for ‘Sentral for Parents’ in your Google Play or App Store to install the app on your device.

If you do not have a smart phone or suitable device, you can access all the information via the Parent Portal on your computer or laptop but will miss notifications from the school, so please inform our Front Office.

Please contact the school if you have difficulty installing or using the app.

Qkr! App

Our Qkr! app allows you to place a canteen order electronically and pay for second-hand uniform, school supplies and other school costs via the app on your phone or electronic device.

You can download Qkr! on your phone or device, register your children and make fast and secure payments as you need. Please see the following link for Instructions for downloading and setting up Qkr!

You can also access Qkr! through this link without installing the app on a phone. Qkr! Link (You will still need to set up a login for yourself.)

Several of our commonly requested policies are listed on our Policies page.

Further policies are available by contacting our Front Office.

Pilgrim School is proud of its uniform and students are expected to wear the school uniform as stated in the Uniform Policy. Hard copies of this policy are available from the Pilgrim Front Office.

For more information please view our Uniforms page.

We welcome volunteers in a range of roles at Pilgrim School and on Campus. Such roles include assistance in classrooms (eg listening to reading), involvement with our Learning Assistance Program (working regularly with an individual or a small group of students), sport coaching or managing, fundraising, helping in the Canteen or Library, attending camps or excursions.

Please visit our Volunteering Page for more information.

Belong, Explore, Flourish, Serve