About Us

Meet the team

Meet our wonderful team at
Pilgrim School

I love the community that Pilgrim school is. I enjoy being a part of a team who works collaboratively and closely to engage and partner with every family. Our desire is to see every young person in our care engage and thrive in their schooling journey.
Andrew Edmondson
It is a privilege to have been part of the Pilgrim community since 2008. Over the years I have loved seeing the lifelong connections that are often created amongst Pilgrim families. Being part of a school where children thrive is what excites me as a teacher, as well as spending my weekdays with the amazing staff team!
Julie Wicks
Deputy Principal
My professional background includes many years in small-medium accounting firms, working in a commmunity hospital and a large disability services organisation. As a parent of Pilgrim School students I always felt at peace when on site, and I love that I now get to serve this community, seeing other children explore their place in the world through Pilgrim. Daily interactions with the kids is a delight!
Michael Denholm
Business Manager
Lisa Newbury leads our Junior Primary staff as Pilgrim’s Early Years Coordinator. She has a passion for learning through play and brings many years experience in different Early Years settings.
Lisa Newbury
Early Years Coordinator/Foundation
How amazing is it to work in a role and at a school that I really love! I have the opportunity to meet new families who are looking at Pilgrim School as an option for schooling for their children, to support them as they enrol and start in our community. I also love to support our staff team to be able to do their roles to the best of their ability.
Kristen Heath
Administrator Coordinator
I have been a part of the Pilgrim Community for about 9 years, and have taught many year levels from Foundation right up to the seniors. Seeing students develop in leadership and their passions is very rewarding, and I especially love seeing the older students develop skills and resilience through the Leaders Passport and Buddy programs. My own children attend Pilgrim, because I believe it really is the best school community!
Mel Carpenter
Year 6 Class Teacher
I am passionate about encouraging children to recognise their strengths and to support and equip them through their struggles. It is a privilege to inspire students to gain a love for learning and to guide them as they discover who God created them to be.
Elizabeth Sarre
Year 5 Class Teacher
It is such a privilege to come to work each day and be a part of the Pilgrim community. I thoroughly enjoy seeing my students make connections with each other. My passion is to see students use the skills they have learnt, fulfil their God given potential and go on to bless their community.
Libby Spencer
Year 3/4 Class Teacher
I love seeing students flourish through expressing their skills and talents in their studies, interests and friendships. I have a deep wonder for the world God has made and our place in it, and encourage students to see the world and their lives as wonderful.
Andrew Harris
Year 3/4 Class Teacher